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ユーセオリーコラーゲン 20人にプレゼント<2021年3月11日日刊ゲンダイ>

ユーセオリーコラーゲン 20人にプレゼント<2021年3月11日日刊ゲンダイ>


20 People to Receive Free Bottle of Youtheory Collagen
Youtheory was founded in 2010 by husband and wife Darren and Patty Rude and is a pioneer in collagen supplements. Today, it is the largest manufacturer of collagen and turmeric in the U.S. and now includes a rapidly expanding portfolio of new and innovative health products. With a focus on 100% purity, Youtheory is involved in the process from farm to shelf with distribution out of the company’s headquarters in Irvine, California, with offices in Tokyo and London. Supplements are available for sale online and at over 60,000 retailers worldwide. They are also available at Costco’s online store at

Youtheory Collagen (¥2,880 yen with tax), shown here, contains 6,000mm of high-quality hydrolyzed collagen with 18 types of amino acids and bioactive peptides the body needs each day. No binders or fillers, just pure collagen and vitamin C. 390 tablets (approx. 65-day supply)
Youtheory’s collagen is attracting a lot of attention as a nutritional supplement. 20 people are eligible to receive a free bottle of Youtheory Collagen. If you wish to apply, please call the phone number below.

☎ 00678-261-4

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