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日本のビーチクリーンに新しい風  <2021年3月4日日刊ゲンダイ>

日本のビーチクリーンに新しい風 <2021年3月4日日刊ゲンダイ>

FUTAMA x Youtheory
現在、多くの海岸で行われているビーチクリーン活動。千葉県鴨川市二夕間海岸でも天津サーフィンクラブ(関谷利博代表)、FTM Family (横山浩二統括責任者) が中心となり毎月行われ20年以上続いている。

March 4th, 2021
A New Beach Clean-up Trend Begins in Japan
FUTAMA x Youtheory

Beach clean-up events are held at beaches across Japan. In Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, the Amatsu Surfing Club (Rep: Toshihiro Sekiya ) and FUTAMA FAMILY (Rep: Koji Yokoyama) have joined forces to clean the beach at Futama Beach every month for more than 20 years.

Youtheory, an American company famous for its collagen supplements, recognized these volunteer efforts at Futama Beach and threw their support behind the community’s campaign for environmental beautification.

Nearly 80 volunteers from inside and outside of the prefecture gathered on February 21 for the beach clean-up, including the former mayor of Kamogawa City, members of the prefectural assembly, professional surfers, and Youtheory staff. Trash bags in hand, the group cleaned up plastic, vinyl, empty cans, and other trash that had washed up on the beach. “We are very grateful for the support of companies like Youtheory. We hope that activities like ours will spread throughout Japan so that our children can run around the beaches barefoot without worrying about stepping on glass or other trash. We’ve got to start somewhere,” said one participant.

A new trend in Japanese beach clean-up is starting right here at Futama Beach.
Nikkan Gendai

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